These are some of my Easter cupcake. I think the little chick above is so cute!. It is a vanilla cupcake with almond filling and topped with chocolate
ganache. It is then topped with fondant and decorated with royal icing.
The one underneath is a vanilla cupcake with almond filling decorated with royal icing a fondant chick and some chocolate Easter eggs.
So cute! Wishing you a safe and happy Easter holiday Snooky! :)
wow.. you are really creative! I never think that cupcakes could decorated in such a pretty way. Happy Easter to you and God bless!
Oh, that first cupcake is unbelievably cute - and sounds divine, too! mmmmmmmmm...
Ma sono veramente bellissimi! complimenti!
Ma questo pulcino giallo è carinissimo, sei davvero brava.
Bacioni a presto!!!!!!!
The top one is my favourite too...very cute!
Those look so cute... I love them all !
too freaking adorable!!
Ma sono carinissimi!
Ed approfitto anche per augurarti una buona Pasqua :)
How adorable. You are very talented!
I love the little chick too! I gotta try that one! Cute cupcakes!
I love this chick cupcake! So cute!
so precious :)
Bravissima Natalie, come sempre...Un grande bacio e Buona Pasqua...:)
woh, the little chick is so cute!! nice natalie!
Oh, too cute! :)
Che belli che sono!!
come tutte le tue creazioni!!
Tanti Auguri di Buona Pasqua!!
Aww, cute! Happy Easter!!
Very cute!! I wish I had your decorating skills.
Love them. I will post a picture of the ones I made for my oldest son's 13th birthday.
happy easter!The chick is so cute :)
OMG Natalie, these are the most beautiful, cute and adorable cup cakes in the world.
How cute are those?!! I especially love the little chick!
so adorable and cute! happy easter snooky!
What precious Easter cupcakes!! I just love that little chick. Almost too cute to eat--almost! Happy Easter!
These are super cute. I'm loving the chubby chick! oooh, I just want to squeeze him!
I would love these cute Easter cupcakes on my table! so would my house guests!That pastry bag loves you!
wow che carino!!! happy Easter
Troppo bello!!! :*
Ti auguro una serena Pasqua :)
BUONA PASQUA!! tantissimi auguri, baciiiii!!!!!!
troppo trooooppo belli!!
I love the fat little bird!
La torta a forma di pulcino é fantastica. Brava!! Complimenti per aver vinto il premio col tuo cupcake.
Buona Pasqua!!
Che belli!!!!! Sono veramente fantastici!! Rederanno irresistibilmente dolci queste feste!!
(^_^) ciao Nat,Happy Easter ♥♥♥♥♥
aww the little chick is too cute :D
Very cute! Happy easter!
Those are absolutely adorable!!!
That little chicky is SO adorable! :D
absolutely cute! The little chick is just picture perfect.
wow your easter cupcake is so cute. I like the chick one, so cuuuuteee.
That little chick is SO cute!!
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