These are some of the cupcakes I made for mother's day. These are vanilla cupcakes filled with a white chocolate and hazelnut mixture and covered with dark chocolate
ganache or white chocolate
ganache. The decorations are all made with fondant and the truffle is a made from white chocolate and hazelnut cake.

Beautiful cupcakes - so festive!!
Hi Snooky, thanks for visit and comment. Let's trade...I will give you some garlic bread and you give me ONE cupcake...I don't care which one!!! :):):)
As beautiful as always. would never expect anything less from you.
they are soo beautiful!!
Your blog is yummy Snooky, These cup cakes are adorable and look delicious, I have just been enjoying your previous posts I especially love the "Goodnight, sleep tight" cake, it's genius. Kathy.
This Mother's day cupcakes look incredibly pretty Natalie! Lovely gift to all mothers out there.
Complimenti!sono dei veri e propri capolavori!!!mi hai lasciato senza parole!
Baci ...
Hi Snook! Everything is beautiful here as usual :)
The cupcakes are so adorable!
How cheerful and spring-y, those are great decorations!
love the cute colors!
Hi there, I wanted to wish you a belated "happy mothers day" = )
Love the decorations. Very nice!
It looks very very lovely! Pretty decoration!
Natalie sono bellissimi, coloratissimi...brava brava come sempre!!!!
Ma quanto sono belli Nat!!!! bacioni
These are very pretty 'spring' feeling cupcakes!
un piacer riverli dei capcakes cosi belli non so se riuscirei a mangiarli sono talmente belli che quasi è un peccato
Those look so cute! I really like the flowers.
Beautiful i am sure moms all over wouldlove to get cakes like this.
Oh mio dio....sono dolcissimi e bellissimi! Se li avessi vesti prima ti avrei copiato la ricetta per la mia mamma!!
Tesoro passa da me c'è un premio per te...ciaoooo
Thses are gorgeous! I like them alot!
che belle che sono!!! vorrei tanto riuscire a farne anche una!! :-P
I love ganache. I'm just too scared to try working with it! These are gorgeous!
Your cupcakes sing out spring to me they are just so gorgeous!
Your cupcakes sing out spring to me they are just so gorgeous!
yumm!.... so pretty!
Mamma mia!!!Sono talmente belli che è un peccato morderli, ciao Roby
How absolutely gorgeous! I love your flower designs.
Volevo ringraziarti della visita! e anche farti i complimenti per il blog..è bellissimo!!! adesso non ti perdero piu di vista! ;-)
Un bacio e buona giornata!
So pretty - I bet your mum was delighted. Chocolate ganache never fails to please
How lovely! I've added these to the round-up. Thanks for submitting them. Hope to see you next month for the cake round-up! =)
Those are so cute and so pretty! Looking at them is making me hungry!
Awww these are soooo pretty!! :D
You are so incredibly talented, it's mind blowing!
So pretty! The flavor combinations sound amazing!
Those are so pretty and perfect for summer! Almost too pretty to eat!
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