Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas cakes

These are some of the Christmas cakes Ive been very busy making. I had more but oops was so tired I forgot to take photos. These are fruit cakes and the last one is an almond cake. 


ann low said...

All these Christmas cakes look stunning!!

Tina said...

Wow beautiful.......

gauci123 said...

Love the Snowman ! Good Work !!!!

The Food Librarian said...

All are so pretty! The snowman is just toooooo cute! - mary

Mammazan said...

Non ho parole!!!!!
Le tue torte sono dei piccoli capolavori e poi splendida è quella con i cristalli di ghiaccio!!

nightfairy said...

Quanto sono belle!

My Ricettarium said...

F a v o l o s e!!!!!! Smack! .-DDD

Katie said...

They are all gorgeous and beautifully decorated

Nitsie said...

Woww loved it....they look fantastic:)

Gala said...

So many pretty Christmas cakes!

shaz said...

Hope you had a very happy Christmas! All these cakes look absolutely adorable !