Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mortal Kombat dragon cake

This is a cinnamon swirl cake covered with caramel and sugarpaste decoration. Really yummy :)
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Petite Foury said...

Absolutely stunning! Congrats! you have a recipe for the cinnamon swirl :-))) It sounds sooo delicious!

My Ricettarium said...

Bellissima!!!!!!!! Baci e buona domenica :-D

Betty said...

complimenti Natalie è davvero bellissima!

De.nci said...

Ho fatto un giro nel tuo blog, bellissime le tue torte. Ciao Debora

Anonymous said...

Awesomecake! and omg cinnamon!! but this is actually Mortal Kombat not Street Fighter (haha yes I am a nerd)

Eliana said...

The flavors in this cake sound super delicious and of course, it looks amazing!

Unknown said...

WOW Natalie, that cake is amazing. The flavor sounds lovely, it looks beautiful :)

apparentlyjessy said...

Woah, this cake is pretty awesome, I like the shading yellow to red, and the dragon is great too.

islandgirl4ever2 said...

WOW!! I just LOVE the colours!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, its not street fighter, its mortal combat

Snooky doodle said...

Thanks for pointing this out. I changed the title :)