Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cute bears birthday cake

This is a chcolate cake. All decorations are made with sugarpaste. I'm really happy with the outcome of the cake especially the bears which are so cute.

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Anonymous said...

omgosh - SO cute!

J e l e n a said...

I want to be a child again and get this cake !

Chef Bee said...

Wish I had a new baby in the house just for this cute cake.

Plan B

cinzietta said...

deliziosa, ma che dico...è tenerissima!
ciao bella!

Unknown said...

Oh wow Natalie. This is truly the cutest cake ever. Once things are normal, you HAVE to do a few tutorials!!

CookiePie said...


Eliana said...

Super super super cute indeed :)

Unknown said...

Your bears are utterly adorable x

Dewi said...

Adorable, I bet kid who see this just want to hug this cute baby bear

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Ciao N!!

I'm back from my vacation, so I'm 'catching up' on everyone's blogs now.. LOVE these adorable cakes!! You are soo talented!


Unknown said...

carinissima questa torta!!!gli orsetti sono un'amore!ciao p