Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dora the explorer cake

Another Dora cake. This one I enjoyed making it although the figure I wasn't too pleased with. Anyways this is a two tiered double chocolate cake covered with homemade sugarpaste. Everything is edible except the board :)

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ann low said...

Hello Nat, The little Dora looks so adorable. Love it.
Please visit my new site and join a little giveaway on Durian Tarts.

Ana Powell said...

Fabulous and so adorable.
Awesome work ♥

Eliana said...

Gorgeous as always :0)

Lidia Miglionico said...

Ciao Natalie....è bellissima, mi piace molto!!
Un abbraccio grandissimoooooo

Elly said...

I adore this cake, as always you impress me!
Ciao ;D

gauci123 said...


Unknown said...

Love the colors on this one. Never seen Dora for real, so I can't really say much!